Ocean Dance I - Lanie Loreth


These links are provided as a starting point in your search for resources,    are not intended for any individual specifically

and are meant to complement, not replace, any advice or information from a health professional.

No professional relationship is established through interaction with this website or its materials. 


Check Your Insurance

Psychiatric Services does not prescribe any addictive medications

including stimulants for adult ADD/ADHD (Adderall, Ritalin)

OR Benzodizaepines (Klonopin, Valium, Ativan,  Xanax)

OR Buprenorphine (Subutex, Suboxone) for Opiate addictions

and does not treat patients who are using or requesting addictive substances.

And does not complete Assessments, Evaluation or forms

for Workmans's Compensation, SSDI, SSI, Disability, FMLA EAP, or ESA

We do not provide forensic psychiatry services. 

There  are   NO   psychiatric  indications  for   medical  marijuana

 Service Dog or Pet? 


Your receipt will be emailed to you.

If you don't have a PayPal account 

​you can pay as a Guest

Patient's name is necessary

to credit the correct account